home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 1985-02-23 | 56.4 KB | 1,654 lines |
- {****************************************************************************
- * This Module Comprises the various utility routines used by the other *
- * modules in the program. Routines included in this module are: *
- * *
- * Routine Use *
- * * 1 Upper_Left_X Returns the left x coordinate of active window *
- * * 2 Upper_Left_Y Returns the upper y coord of active window *
- * * 3 Lower_Right_X Returns the right x coord of active window *
- * * 4 Lower_Right_Y Returns the lower y coord of active window *
- * * 5 RvsOn Turns on Reverse Video *
- * * 6 RvsOff Turns off Reverse Video *
- * 7 Yes Prints a prompt, if user inputs 'Y' returns *
- * Trues, otherwise returns False *
- * * 8 Click Produces a single click from the PC speaker *
- * * 9 Alert Prints a message to the screen and makes noise *
- * * 10 Beep Makes noise for a specified period of time *
- * 11 Replicate Duplicates a character a specified no. of times*
- * 12 Left Left justifys a string in a field of spaces *
- * 13 Center Centers a string in a field of specified width *
- * 14 Get_Payment_Amount Calculates a loan payment amount *
- * 15 Write_Neatly Outputs numbers with commas *
- * 16 Get_Str Writes a string to the screen, allows it to be *
- * edited and returns the terminating character *
- * 17 Get_Num Does for numbers what Get_Str does for strings *
- * * 18 Frame Frames a specified portion of the screen *
- * * 19 UnFrame Removes the frame from the screen *
- * * 20 Menu Displays a menu and gets a user input *
- * * 21 Clear_Window Clears the screen within a window *
- * * 22 Window_Frame Sets up, frames and titles a screen window *
- * 23 Encrypt Encrypts a string using XOR *
- * 24 Decrypt Decrypts a string encrypted by encrypt *
- * 25 GetChar Gets a character from the keyboard *
- * 26 Wait Waits for a KeyPressed *
- * 27 Get_Pass Gets a password from the user *
- * * 28 Push_Screen Saves the current screen *
- * * 29 Pop_Screen Restores a saved screen *
- * 30 Inc Increments an integer by 1 *
- * 31 Dec Decrements an integer by 1 *
- * * 32 Setup Sets the IBM Serial Interface *
- * 34 Upper Convert String to Upper Case *
- * 35 Lower Convert String to Lower Case *
- * * 36 DosConOut Usr Device Driver. Calls DOS Video Output *
- * * 37 SerialIn Aux Device Driver. Serial port input *
- * * 38 SerialOut Aux Device Driver. Serial port output *
- * 39 Power Raises a number to a power *
- * * 40 Data Returns true if there is data at the RS232 *
- * * 41 ColScr Switch to color monitor if there *
- * * 42 MonoScr Switch to Monochrome monitor if there *
- * * 43 Marquee Display Marquee and put message in it *
- * * 44 Help Displays an appropriate help screen *
- * * 45 Well Expresses impatience *
- * * 47 Siren makes a sound like a siren *
- * * 48 GetForm generalized input routine *
- * * 49 Date gets the date from the system *
- * * 50 Time gets time from system *
- * * 51 Push_Window pushes a small section of the screen *
- * * 52 Elapsed_time the time in seconds from the argument *
- * *
- * * Indicates that the routine has IBM PC specific sections and would need*
- * to be modified for other computers *
- ****************************************************************************}
- Procedure HighVideo;
- Begin
- TextColor(White);
- TextBackground(Black);
- End;
- Procedure NormVideo;
- Begin
- TextColor(White);
- TextBackground(Black);
- End;
- Procedure LowVideo;
- Begin
- TextColor(LightGray);
- TextBackground(Black);
- End;
- Type
- Parity_Types = (Odd_Parity, Even_Parity, No_Parity);
- Reg = Record
- AX,BX,CX,DX,BP,SI,DI,DS,ES,Flags : Integer;
- End;
- Const
- COM1 = 1016; {Com1 and Com2 Base port address}
- DLL = 0; {LSB of Divisor Latch, Offset 0, R/W}
- DLM = 1; {MSB of Divisor Latch, Offset 1, R/W}
- LCR = 3; {Line Control Register, Offset 3, R/W}
- MCR = 4; {Modem Control Register, Offset 4, R/W}
- LSR = 5; {Line Status Register, Offset 5, RO}
- MSR = 6; {Modem Status Register, Offset 6, RO}
- MRR = 7; {Modem Rate Register, Offset 7, RO, (1200B Hayes only)}
- DLAB = 128; {Data Latch Access Bit, High to access DLL and DLM}
- SBRK = 64; {Set Break, High to transmit a break signal}
- STPTY = 32; {Stick Parity, If high parity bit follows EPS}
- EPS = 16; {Select Even Parity, High for Even parity}
- PEN = 8; {Parity Enable, High to enable parity checking}
- STB = 4; {Stop Bits, High for 2 stop bits (1.5 for 5 bit word)
- low for 1 stop bit}
- WLS = 3; {Select Number of bits per word as follows:
- Bit 1 Bit 2 Word Length
- 0 0 5 Bits
- 0 1 6 Bits
- 1 0 7 Bits
- 1 1 8 Bits}
- LOOP = 16; {Enable loop back for testing}
- OUT2 = 8; {Enable interrupt line drivers if high}
- OUT1 = 4; {Reset Smartmodem 1200B}
- RTS = 2; {Request to send follows this bit}
- DTR = 1; {Data Terminal Ready follows this bit inversely, required
- for modem operation}
- {****************************************************************************}
- Function Upper_Left_X : Integer; {* These four routines allow a *}
- {1*} {* routine to adjust its output *}
- Begin {* according to what size window it *}
- Upper_Left_X := Mem[Dseg:$156] + 1; {* is operating in. They are *}
- End; {* compatible only with Turbo Pascal *}
- {* version 2.0 on an IBM PC or *}
- Function Upper_Left_Y : Integer; {* compatible *}
- {2*}
- Begin
- Upper_Left_Y := Mem[Dseg:$157] + 1;
- End;
- Var
- {3*}
- Lower_Right_X : Byte Absolute Cseg:$16A;
- {4*}
- Lower_Right_Y : Byte Absolute Cseg:$16B;
- {****************************************************************************}
- Procedure RvsOn; {* These two routines turn on and *}
- {5*} {* off Reverse video on the IBM PC *}
- Begin {*************************************}
- TextColor(0);
- TextBackGround(7);
- End;
- Procedure RvsOff;
- {6*}
- Begin
- LowVideo;
- End;
- {30**************************************************************************}
- Procedure Inc( {* Increment argument by One *}
- Var I : Integer); {*****************************************}
- Begin
- I := I + 1;
- End;
- {31**************************************************************************}
- Procedure Dec( {* Decrement argument by One *}
- Var I : Integer); {*****************************************}
- Begin
- I := I - 1;
- End;
- {26**************************************************************************}
- Procedure Wait; {* Wait for a keypress from the KBD *}
- {**************************************}
- Var
- AnyKey : Char;
- Begin
- Read(Kbd,AnyKey);
- End;
- {****************************************************************************}
- Type {* Just a couple of type declarations*}
- Menu_Item = String[40]; {* needed for a number of routines *}
- {*************************************}
- Menu_Selections = Array[1..15] of Menu_Item;
- Long_String = String[255];
- Register = Record
- AX,BX,CX,DX,BP,SI,DI,DS,ES,Flags : Integer;
- End;
- ScreenLoc = Record
- Ch : Char;
- Attrib : Byte;
- End;
- Video = Array[1..25] of Array[1..80] of ScreenLoc;
- Video_Ptr = ^Video_Stack;
- vidscr = array[1..1] of screenloc;
- Video_Stack = Record
- Next_Screen : Video_Ptr;
- x1,y1,
- x2,y2 : byte;
- Screen_store : ^vidscr;
- End;
- Var
- ScreenBuffer : Video;
- Screen_Stack : Video_Ptr;
- Screen : ^Video;
- Com : Integer;
- HelpContext : Integer;
- ScreenFile : File of Video;
- {7***************************************************************************}
- Function Yes(Prompt : Long_String) : Boolean;{* This routine prints PROMPT *}
- {* to the screen and waits for *}
- Var {* the user to type either a *}
- Inchar : Char; {* 'y' or 'n'. It is case *}
- {* insensitive. If a 'y' is *}
- Begin {* entered, the function *}
- Write(Prompt); {* returns TRUE. *}
- Repeat {*******************************}
- Read(Kbd,Inchar);
- Until Inchar in ['Y','y','N','n'];
- Write(Inchar);
- Yes := Inchar in ['Y','y'];
- End;
- {34**************************************************************************}
- Function Upper (S : Long_String) {* Convert Strng S to Upper case *}
- : Long_String; {* Return uppercase string *}
- {*************************************}
- Var
- I : Integer;
- lcase : Set of Char;
- Begin
- lcase := ['a'..'z'];
- For I := 1 to Length(S) do
- If S[I] In lcase then
- S[I] := Char(Ord(S[I]) - 32);
- Upper := S;
- End;
- {35**************************************************************************}
- Function Lower (S : Long_String) {* Convert string S to lowercase *}
- : Long_String; {* Return lowercase string *}
- {****************************************}
- Var
- I : Integer;
- ucase : Set of Char;
- Begin
- ucase := ['A'..'Z'];
- For I := 1 to Length(S) do
- If S[I] in ucase then
- S[I] := Char(Ord(S[I]) + 32);
- lower := S;
- End;
- {8***************************************************************************}
- Procedure Click; {* Makes a clicking noise *
- *************************************}
- var f,n : integer;
- Begin
- Sound(2000);
- Delay(5);
- NoSound;
- End;
- {9***************************************************************************}
- Procedure Alert(Message : Long_String);{* This routine prints MESSAGE to the*}
- {* screen and makes an obnoxious *}
- Var {* noise for about 1 second *}
- I : Integer; {*************************************}
- i1,i2,i3,i4 : integer;
- begin
- write(Message);
- for i4 := 1 to 10 do
- begin
- i2 := 250 + i4 * 25;
- for i3 := 1 to 2 do
- begin
- for i1 := 1 to 30 - i3 * 2 do
- begin
- sound(i1 + i2 + i3 * 2);
- delay(2);
- end;
- delay(5);
- i2 := i2 + 30;
- end;
- nosound;
- end;
- end;
- {21**************************************************************************}
- Procedure Clear_Window; {* Clear the Active window *}
- {*******************************************}
- Var
- I : Integer;
- Begin
- For I := 1 to Lower_Right_Y - Upper_Left_Y + 1 do
- Begin
- GotoXY(1,I);
- ClrEol;
- End;
- End;
- {10**************************************************************************}
- Procedure Beep(N : Integer); {* This routine sounds a tone of frequency *}
- {* N for approximately 100 ms *}
- Begin {********************************************}
- Sound(n);
- Delay(100);
- NoSound;
- End;
- {28**************************************************************************}
- Procedure Push_Screen; {* This routine stores the current *}
- {* screen into a temporary storage *}
- {* area *}
- {**************************************}
- Var
- Temp : Video_Ptr;
- i,j,k : integer;
- Begin
- If (MaxAvail < 0) or (MaxAvail > 4096) then
- Begin
- If Screen = Nil then
- Screen := Ptr($B000,0);
- new(Temp);
- temp^.x1 := 1;
- temp^.y1 := 1;
- temp^.x2 := 80;
- temp^.y2 := 25;
- getmem(temp^.screen_store,4000);
- Temp^.Next_Screen := Screen_Stack;
- k := 1;
- for i := 1 to 25 do
- for j := 1 to 80 do
- begin
- temp^.screen_store^[k] := screen^[i][j];
- inc(k);
- end;
- Screen_Stack := Temp;
- End
- Else
- Begin
- Alert('Insufficient Memory - You are being dumped');
- Halt;
- End;
- End;
- {29**************************************************************************}
- Procedure Pop_Screen; {* This routine Pops a screen from the*}
- {* Screen Stack *}
- {**************************************}
- Var
- Temp : Video_Ptr;
- i,j,k : integer;
- Begin
- If Screen = nil then
- Screen := Ptr($B000,0);
- k := 1;
- for i := screen_stack^.y1 to screen_stack^.y2 do
- for j := screen_stack^.x1 to screen_stack^.x2 do
- begin
- screen^[i][j] := screen_stack^.screen_store^[k];
- inc(k);
- end;
- Temp := Screen_Stack;
- Screen_Stack := Screen_Stack^.Next_Screen;
- freemem(Temp^.screen_store,
- ((temp^.x2 - temp^.x1 + 1) * (temp^.y2 - temp^.y1 + 1)) * 2);
- dispose(temp);
- End;
- {43**************************************************************************}
- Procedure Marquee {* Draws a marquee in center screen *}
- (Str : Long_String);{* Around the input parameter *}
- {***************************************}
- Const
- OnChr = #1;
- OffChr = #2;
- Var
- I,J,K : Integer;
- X,Y : Integer;
- Astrsk : Array[1..4] of Record
- X,Y : Integer;
- OldX,OldY : Integer;
- XI,YI : Integer;
- End;
- Begin
- Window(1,1,80,25);
- Push_Screen;
- ClrScr;
- X := 40 - Length(Str) Div 2 - 2;
- For I := 10 to 14 do
- Begin
- Screen^[I][X].Ch := OnChr;
- Screen^[I][X].Attrib := 7;
- Screen^[I][X + Length(Str) + 3].Ch := OnChr;
- Screen^[I][X + Length(Str) + 3].Attrib := 7;
- End;
- For I := X to X + Length(Str) + 3 do
- Begin
- Screen^[10][I].Ch := OnChr;
- Screen^[14][I].Ch := OnChr;
- Screen^[10][I].Attrib := 7;
- Screen^[14][I].Attrib := 7;
- End;
- GotoXY(X+2,12);
- HighVideo;
- Write(Str);
- LowVideo;
- Astrsk[1].X := 40;
- Astrsk[1].Y := 10;
- Astrsk[1].XI := 1;
- Astrsk[1].YI := 0;
- Astrsk[2].X := X;
- Astrsk[2].Y := 12;
- Astrsk[2].XI := 0;
- Astrsk[2].YI := -1;
- Astrsk[3].X := X + Length(Str) + 3;
- Astrsk[3].Y := 12;
- Astrsk[3].XI := 0;
- Astrsk[3].YI := 1;
- Astrsk[4].X := 40;
- Astrsk[4].Y := 14;
- Astrsk[4].XI := -1;
- Astrsk[4].YI := 0;
- Astrsk[4].OldX := Astrsk[1].X;
- Astrsk[4].OldY := Astrsk[1].Y;
- Astrsk[3].OldX := Astrsk[2].X;
- Astrsk[3].OldY := Astrsk[2].Y;
- Astrsk[2].OldX := Astrsk[3].X;
- Astrsk[2].OldY := Astrsk[3].Y;
- Astrsk[1].OldX := Astrsk[4].X;
- Astrsk[1].OldY := Astrsk[4].Y;
- K := 1;
- Repeat
- If K > 4 Then
- K := 1;
- J := Astrsk[K].Y;
- I := Astrsk[K].X;
- If Screen = Ptr($B800,0) then
- Repeat Until (Port[$3DA] And 1) = 1
- Else
- Repeat Until (Port[$3BA] And 1) = 1;
- Screen^[J][I].Ch := OffChr;
- Screen^[Astrsk[K].OldY][Astrsk[K].OldX].Ch := OnChr;
- Screen^[J][I].Attrib := 15;
- Screen^[Astrsk[K].OldY][Astrsk[K].OldX].Attrib := 7;
- Astrsk[K].OldX := Astrsk[K].X;
- Astrsk[K].OldY := Astrsk[K].Y;
- I := I + Astrsk[K].XI;
- J := J + Astrsk[K].YI;
- If I > (X + Length(Str) + 3) then
- Begin
- I := I - Astrsk[K].XI;
- Astrsk[K].XI := 0;
- Astrsk[K].YI := 1;
- End;
- If J > 14 then
- Begin
- J := J - Astrsk[K].YI;
- Astrsk[K].YI := 0;
- Astrsk[K].XI := -1;
- End;
- If I < X then
- Begin
- I := I - Astrsk[K].XI;
- Astrsk[K].XI := 0;
- Astrsk[K].YI := -1;
- End;
- If J < 10 then
- Begin
- J := J - Astrsk[K].YI;
- Astrsk[K].YI := 0;
- Astrsk[K].XI := 1;
- End;
- Astrsk[K].Y := J;
- Astrsk[K].X := I;
- Inc(K);
- Until KeyPressed;
- Wait;
- Pop_Screen;
- End;
- {44**************************************************************************}
- Procedure Help; {* This routine reads a screen from the*}
- {* Screen file and displays it *}
- Begin {***************************************}
- Push_Screen;
- {$I-}
- Seek(ScreenFile,HelpContext);
- {$I+}
- If IOResult = 0 Then
- Begin
- {$I-}
- Read(ScreenFile,ScreenBuffer);
- {$I+}
- Screen^ := ScreenBuffer;
- If IOResult <> 0 Then
- Marquee('Sorry, I''m helpless in this situation')
- Else
- Wait;
- End
- Else
- Marquee('Sorry, wish I could help you.');
- Pop_Screen;
- End;
- {11**************************************************************************}
- Function Replicate ( {* Repeat a character *}
- Count : Integer; {* Number of Repititions *}
- Ascii : Char {* Character to be repeated *}
- ) : Long_String; {* String containing repeated *}
- {* character *
- * This function takes the character in 'Ascii', repeats it 'Count' times *
- * and returns the resulting string as a 'Long_String' *
- ****************************************************************************}
- Var
- Temp : Long_String; {Used to hold the incomplete result}
- I : Byte; {For Counter}
- Begin
- Temp := '';
- For I := 1 to Count do
- Temp := Temp + Ascii;
- Replicate := Temp;
- End; {Replicate}
- {12*************************************************************************}
- Function Left ( {* Left Justifies a string in a *}
- Str : Long_String; {* field of spaces *}
- Width : Integer {*************************************}
- ) : Long_String;
- Begin
- If Length(Str) > Width then
- Left := Copy(Str,1,Width)
- Else
- Left := Str + Replicate(Width - Length(Str),' ');
- End;
- {13**************************************************************************}
- Function Center ( {* Centers a string in field *}
- Field_Width : Byte; {* Width of field for center *}
- Center_String : Long_String {* String to Center *}
- ) : Long_String; {* Return the string *}
- {************************************************ *
- * This functions takes the string 'Center_String' and centers it in a *
- * field 'Field_Width' Spaces long. It returns a 'Long_String' with a *
- * length equal to 'Field_Width'. If the 'Center_String' is longer than *
- * field width, it is truncated on the right end and is not centered. *
- ****************************************************************************}
- Var
- Temp : Long_String;
- Middle : Byte;
- Begin
- Middle := Field_Width div 2;
- If Length(Center_String) > Field_Width then
- Center := Copy(Center_String,1,Field_Width) {Truncate and return}
- Else
- Begin
- Temp := Replicate(Middle - (Length(Center_String) div 2),' ') +
- Center_String +
- Replicate(Middle - (Length(Center_String) div 2) + 1,' ');
- Center := Copy(Temp, 1, Field_Width) {Truncate to Field_Width Characters}
- End {Else}
- End; {Center}
- {39*************************************************************************}
- Function Power(X : Real; Y : Integer): {* This function raises X to the *}
- Real; {* Yth power *}
- {**********************************}
- Var
- I : Integer;
- N : Real;
- Begin
- N := 1.0;
- For I := 1 To Y do
- N := N * X;
- Power := N;
- End; {Power}
- {14*************************************************************************}
- Function Get_Payment_Amount (Loan_Amount : Real;
- Interest_Rate : Real;
- Amort_Over : Real
- ) : Real;
- Monthly_Interest_Rate : Real;
- Number_of_Payments : Integer;
- Monthly_Interest_Rate := (Interest_Rate / 100.0) / 12.0;
- Number_of_Payments := Trunc (Amort_Over * 12);
- Get_Payment_Amount := Loan_Amount *
- (1 / ((1 - 1 / Power((1 + Monthly_Interest_Rate),Number_Of_Payments))/
- Monthly_Interest_Rate));
- END;
- {15**************************************************************************}
- Procedure Write_Neatly ( {* Routine to write numbers *}
- var OutFile : Text; {* output file *}
- Number : Real; {* Number to be written *}
- Width : Byte; {* Width of write area *}
- Max_Dec : Byte {* Number of decimal places *}
- ); {* This routine takes NUMBER, and *}
- {* formats it with commas and *}
- {* truncates to MAX_DEC decimal *}
- {* places. If NUMBER is to big to *}
- {* fit in WIDTH, then a row of *}
- {* asterisks WIDTH long is output *}
- {***********************************}
- Const
- Valid_Digits : Set of char = ['0'..'9','.','-','+','e'];
- Var
- Field : Long_String;
- Point : Integer;
- I,J : Integer; {Spares for counters}
- Begin
- For I := 1 to Max_Dec do
- Number := Number * 10;
- Number := Number + 0.6;
- For I := 1 to Max_Dec do
- Number := Number / 10;
- Str(Number:0:20,Field); {Convert the input to a string}
- I := 1;
- I := Pos('.',Field); {Where's the Decimal!}
- If I = 0 then
- Begin
- Field := Field + '.'; {If no decimal, then add one}
- Point := Length(Field);
- End
- Else
- Point := I;
- I := Point - 3; {Get the Point?}
- While I > 1 do {put in commas, start at the back and work }
- Begin {to the front}
- Insert(',',Field,I);
- I := I - 3
- End;
- I := Pos('.',Field) - 1; {Find that pesky decimal}
- J := 0;
- While J <= Max_Dec do
- Begin
- I := I + 1; {Pad to Max_Dec with zeros}
- If I >= Length(Field) then
- Field := Field + '0';
- J := J + 1;
- End;
- Field := Copy(Field,1,I); {Clean it up a little and elimate trailers}
- If Max_Dec = 0 then
- Field := Copy(Field,1,I - 1); {Truncate to integer if necessary}
- If (Length(Field) > Width) and (Width > 0) then
- Write(Replicate(Width,'*')) {Too Big! tell with asterisks}
- Else
- Write(OutFile,Field:Width); {all that for this}
- End;
- {16**************************************************************************}
- Function Get_Str ( {* Get a string with editing *}
- Var In_Str : Long_String; {* String to be edited *}
- Buffer_Len : Integer; {* Its length *}
- Start_X : Integer; {* Column to start in *}
- Y : Integer; {* Row for input *}
- Force_Case : Boolean {* Force Input to Upper case *}
- ) : Char; {* Return terminating Character *}
- {* *}
- {* This is a fairly versatile *}
- {* string input and editing *}
- {* routine. It takes IN_STRING *}
- {* displays it at START_X,ROW *}
- {* allows the user to edit the *}
- {* string using WordStar(tm) *}
- {* commands. It returns the *}
- {* character used to terminate *}
- {* input. By setting FORCE_CASE*}
- {* true, all input is forced to *}
- {* upper case *}
- {********************************}
- Const
- KeyClick = True;
- Var
- Insert_Mode : Boolean;
- Done : Boolean;
- Current_Char : Char;
- X : Byte;
- Escape : Boolean;
- Current : Char;
- in_string : Long_String;
- Begin
- Done := False; { ** }
- Insert_Mode := False; { * Initialize starting variables}
- GotoXY(Start_X,Y); { * }
- X := Start_X; { ** }
- Write(Replicate(Buffer_Len,'_'));
- In_String := in_str;
- GotoXY(X,Y);
- Write (In_String); {Write the initial value of the string}
- GotoXY(X,Y);
- Repeat {Start main edit/input loop}
- If (X - Start_X) = Buffer_Len then
- Current_Char := ^M {Terminate input if buffer is full}
- Else
- Read(Kbd,Current_Char); {Get a character}
- If Force_Case then
- Current_Char := UpCase(Current_Char); {force case if necessary}
- Repeat
- Escape := False;
- Case Current_Char of {Act on the current input}
- ^[ : If KeyPressed then
- Begin
- Read(Kbd,Current_Char);
- Escape := True;
- Case Current_Char of {Translate escape codes to}
- 'H' : Current_Char := ^E; {WordStar command codes }
- 'P' : Current_Char := ^X;
- 'K' : Current_Char := ^S;
- 'M' : Current_Char := ^D;
- 'S' : Current_Char := ^G;
- 'R' : Current_Char := ^V;
- '<' : Current_Char := ^R;
- 's' : Current_Char := ^A;
- 't' : Current_Char := ^F;
- ';' : Begin
- Help;
- Current_Char := ^@;
- End;
- 'D' : Begin {Special Terminator}
- Done := True;
- Escape := False;
- End;
- 'I' : Begin
- Done := True;
- Escape := False;
- End;
- 'Q' : Begin
- Done := True;
- Escape := False;
- End;
- 'O' : Begin
- Done := True;
- Escape := False;
- End;
- 'G' : Begin
- Done := True;
- Escape := False;
- End;
- End; {Case}
- End; {^[}
- ^E : Done := True; {** }
- { ** All finished }
- ^X : Done := True; {** }
- ^F : x := start_x + length(in_string);
- ^A : x := start_x;
- ^R : Begin
- In_string := in_str;
- Gotoxy(start_x,y);
- write(replicate(Buffer_len,'_'));
- GotoXY(Start_X,Y);
- Write(in_string);
- End;
- ^V : Insert_Mode := Insert_Mode XOR True; {toggle insert}
- ^S : If X > Start_X then {non destructive backspace}
- X := X - 1;
- ^H,#127 : If X > Start_X then {destructive backspace}
- Begin
- Delete(In_String, X - Start_X, 1);
- GotoXY(Start_X,Y);
- Write(In_String + '_');
- X := X - 1;
- End;
- ^D : If (X - Start_X) < Buffer_Len then {forward 1 character}
- If (X - Start_X) < Length(In_String) Then
- X := X + 1;
- ^G : Begin
- Delete(In_String, X - Start_X + 1,1); {delete character}
- GotoXY(Start_X,Y); {under the cursor}
- Write(In_String + '_');
- End;
- ^M : Done := True; {**}
- { *** All Done}
- ^J : Done := True; {**}
- ' '..'~' : If (X - Start_X) >= Length(In_String) Then
- Begin
- In_String := In_String + Current_Char;
- GotoXY(X,Y);
- Write(Current_Char);
- If (X - Start_X) < Buffer_Len then
- X := X + 1;
- End
- Else
- If Insert_Mode then {Just a run of the mill character}
- Begin {Insert Mode}
- Insert(Current_Char,In_String, X - Start_X + 1);
- In_String := Copy(In_String,1,Buffer_Len);
- GotoXY(Start_X,Y);
- Write(In_String);
- If (X - Start_X) < Buffer_Len then
- X := X + 1;
- GotoXY(X,Y);
- End
- Else
- Begin {OverWrite Mode}
- In_String[X - Start_X + 1] := Current_Char;
- GotoXY(X,Y);
- Write(Current_Char);
- If (X - Start_X) < Buffer_Len then
- X := X + 1;
- End;
- Else
- End; {Case}
- Until Not Escape;
- GotoXY(X,Y);
- If KeyClick Then
- Click;
- Until Done;
- Get_Str := Current_Char; {Return the terminator}
- In_str := In_string;
- End;
- {17**************************************************************************}
- Function Get_Num ( {* This routine gets number from user *}
- var Value : Real; {* Current Value and Returned Value *}
- Decimals : Integer;{* Number of Decimal Places *}
- Min_Value : Real; {* Minimum Value *}
- Max_Value : Real; {* Maximum Value *}
- X : Byte; {* Column *}
- Y : Byte {* Row *}
- ) : Char; {* Terminator *}
- {* *}
- {* This routine does basically the *}
- {* thing as Get_Str only for numbers *}
- {* There are more options however. *}
- {* Basically Min and Max Value allow *}
- {* to specify the range of acceptable *}
- {* values and DECIMALS allows you to *}
- {* specify the number of decimal *}
- {* places desired *}
- {**************************************}
- Const
- Valid_Digits : Set of char = ['0'..'9','.','-','+','e'];
- Var
- I1,I2 : Integer;
- S1 : Long_String;
- S2 : Long_String;
- S3 : Long_String;
- Inchar : Char;
- Begin
- Str(Value:1:Decimals,S1); {Convert to a string}
- Str(Max_Value:1:Decimals,S3); {find out how long a string max val is}
- Repeat {Main Loop}
- S2 := '';
- Inchar := Get_Str(S1,Length(S3),X,Y,False); {Get_Str does the }
- {work}
- For I2 := 1 to Length(S1) do {Strip out non digits}
- If S1[I2] in Valid_Digits then
- S2 := S2 + S1[I2];
- Val(S2,Value,I1); {Find out its value}
- Until (Value >= Min_Value) and (Value <= Max_Value) and (I1 = 0); {do it }
- {until its right}
- GotoXY(X,Y);
- Write_Neatly(Output,Value,Length(S3),Decimals); {print the result}
- Get_Num := Inchar; {Assign the terminator}
- end;
- {18**************************************************************************}
- procedure Frame( {* Frame the section of screen within *}
- UpperLeftX, {* these bounds *}
- UpperLeftY, {**************************************}
- LowerRightX,
- LowerRightY: Integer);
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- GotoXY(UpperLeftX,UpperLeftY);
- Write(Chr(218));
- GotoXY(UpperLeftX,LowerRightY);
- Write(Chr(192));
- GotoXY(LowerRightX,UpperLeftY);
- Write(Chr(191));
- GotoXY(LowerRightX,LowerRightY);
- Write(Chr(217));
- For I := UpperLeftX + 1 to LowerRightX - 1 do
- Begin
- GotoXY(I,UpperLeftY);
- Write(Chr(196));
- GotoXY(I,LowerRightY);
- Write(Chr(196));
- End;
- For I := UpperLeftY + 1 to LowerRightY - 1 do
- Begin
- GotoXY(UpperLeftX,I);
- Write(Chr(179));
- GotoXY(LowerRightX,I);
- Write(Chr(179));
- End;
- end; { Frame }
- {19***************************************************************************}
- procedure UnFrame( {* This routine does the opposite of *}
- UpperLeftX, {* frame *}
- UpperLeftY, {*************************************}
- LowerRightX,
- LowerRightY: Integer);
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- GotoXY(UpperLeftX, UpperLeftY);
- Write(' ');
- for i:=UpperLeftX+1 to LowerRightX-1 do
- Write(' ');
- Write(' ');
- for i:=UpperLeftY+1 to LowerRightY-1 do
- begin
- GotoXY(UpperLeftX , i);
- Write(' ');
- GotoXY(LowerRightX, i);
- Write(' ');
- end;
- GotoXY(UpperLeftX, LowerRightY);
- Write(' ');
- for i:=UpperLeftX+1 to LowerRightX-1 do
- Write(' ');
- Write(' ');
- end; {UnFrame }
- {****************************************************************************}
- Function Menu ( {* Display a Menu *}
- Item_List : Menu_Selections; {* List of Options on Menu *}
- {* Last Item must be Null *}
- {* String for proper operation*}
- {* No more than 14 items per *}
- Menu_X : Integer; {* X Location of Menu *}
- {* If Menu_X = 0 then the *}
- {* Menu is centered on the *}
- {* Screen *}
- Menu_Y : Integer; {* Y Location of Menu *}
- Menu_Title : Menu_Item; {* Title of Menu *}
- Title_X : Integer; {* X Location of Title *}
- {* If Title_X = 0 then the *}
- {* Title is centered on the *}
- {* screen *}
- Title_Y : Integer; {* Y Location of Title *}
- Default : Integer {* Default Selection *}
- ) : Integer; {* Return the index of the *}
- {* item selected by the user *}
- {* *}
- {*********************************************** *
- * This Routine Displays a Menu on the screen at the location specified by *
- * Menu_X and Menu_Y. The Menu Title is displayed in Reverse Video at the *
- * Location specified by Title_X and Title_Y. The User selects an item from *
- * the menu by using <CTRL>-E to move a reverse video cursor bar up and *
- * <CTRL>-X to move it down. After the cursor is on the item desired by the *
- * user, he must press return. At this point the routine returns the item *
- * number of the selection. *
- *****************************************************************************}
- Const
- CR = #13;
- Up = #5;
- Dn = #24;
- Var
- Inchar : char;
- Menu_Pointer : 1..15;
- Menu_Length : 1..15;
- Last : Integer;
- Width : Integer;
- Len : Integer;
- X1,X2,Y1,Y2 : Integer;
- I,j,k : integer;
- instr : long_string;
- Begin {Menu}
- instr := '';
- Width := Lower_Right_X - Upper_Left_X + 1; {Calculate Window Size}
- Len := Lower_Right_Y - Upper_Left_Y + 1;
- If Title_X <> 0 then {position for the title}
- GotoXY(Title_X,Title_Y)
- Else
- GotoXY(1,Title_Y);
- RvsOn;
- If Title_X = 0 Then {Write the title}
- Write (Center(Width,Menu_Title))
- Else
- Write(Menu_Title);
- RvsOff;
- If Width > 38 then {If there is enough room, write out instructions}
- Begin {otherwise, they is out a luck}
- Frame(1,Len-3,Width-1,Len);
- GotoXY((Width div 2) - 6,Len-3);
- Write(#17);
- RvsOn;
- Write('Instructions');
- RvsOff;
- Write(#16);
- TextColor(15);
- GotoXY(2,Len-2);
- Write(Center(Width-3,'Use '+#24+' and '+#25+' to Highlight a Selection'));
- GotoXY(2,Len-1);
- Write(Center(Width-3,' And '+#17+'DY to make the Selection'));
- TextColor(7);
- End;
- Inchar := ' '; {Initialize variables}
- Menu_Pointer := 1;
- {Display the actual menu selections and determine how many selections
- are available}
- While (Menu_pointer <=15) and (length(Item_list[Menu_pointer]) > 0) do
- Begin
- If Menu_X <> 0 then
- Begin
- GotoXY(Menu_X,Menu_Y - 1 + Menu_Pointer);
- Write(Item_List[Menu_Pointer])
- End {If}
- Else
- Begin
- GotoXY(1,Menu_Y - 1 + Menu_Pointer);
- Write(Center(Width-1,Item_List[Menu_Pointer]))
- End; {Else}
- Menu_Pointer := Menu_Pointer + 1;
- End; {While}
- Menu_Length := Menu_Pointer - 1;
- Menu_Pointer := Default;
- While inchar <> CR do {Main loop}
- Begin
- If Menu_X <> 0 then
- Begin
- GotoXY(Menu_X,Menu_Pointer - 1 + Menu_Y); {Highlight the current menu}
- RvsOn; {item}
- Write(Item_List[Menu_Pointer]);
- RvsOff;
- End {If}
- Else
- Begin
- GotoXY(1,Menu_Pointer - 1 + Menu_Y);
- RvsOn;
- Write(Center(Width-1,Item_List[Menu_Pointer]));
- RvsOff;
- End; {Else}
- Read(Kbd,Inchar); {get a character from the user}
- Click;
- Last := Menu_Pointer;
- If Not (Inchar in [^[,Up,Dn,Cr]) then
- Begin
- if inchar = #127 then
- instr := ''
- else
- if inchar = ^H then
- delete(instr,length(instr),1)
- else
- instr := instr + inchar;
- j := 0;
- k := 0;
- for i := 1 to Menu_Length do
- if lower(instr) = lower(copy(item_list[i],1,length(instr))) then
- begin
- inc(j);
- if k = 0 then
- k := i;
- end;
- if k <> 0 then
- menu_pointer := k;
- if (j = 1) or (j = 0) then
- instr := '';
- end;
- If (Inchar = ^[) and KeyPressed then {get the escape code}
- Read(Kbd, Inchar);
- If Inchar = ';' Then
- Begin
- X1 := Upper_Left_X;
- Y1 := Upper_Left_Y;
- X2 := Lower_Right_X;
- Y2 := Lower_Right_Y;
- Help;
- Window(X1,Y1,X2,Y2);
- End;
- If (Inchar = Up) Or (Inchar = 'H') then
- Begin {They hit up arrow}
- Menu_Pointer := Menu_Pointer - 1;
- If Menu_Pointer < 1 then
- Menu_Pointer := Menu_Length;
- instr := '';
- End; {If}
- If (Inchar = Dn) Or (Inchar = 'P') then
- Begin {They hit down arrow}
- Menu_Pointer := Menu_Pointer + 1;
- if Menu_Pointer > Menu_Length then
- Menu_Pointer := 1;
- instr := '';
- end; {If}
- If Menu_X <> 0 then {UnHighlight the old selection}
- Begin
- GotoXY(Menu_X, Last - 1 + Menu_Y);
- Write(Item_List[Last]);
- End {If}
- Else
- Begin
- GotoXY(1, Last - 1 + Menu_Y);
- Write(Center(Width-1,Item_List[Last]));
- End; {Else}
- End; {While}
- Beep(440); {They made a selection, beep once}
- Menu := Menu_Pointer; {to confirm}
- end; {Menu}
- {22**************************************************************************}
- Procedure Window_Frame(x1,y1, {* Create, frame and title a *}
- x2,y2 : Integer; {* window *}
- Title : Menu_Item);{**********************************}
- Var
- Center : Integer;
- Begin
- Window(1,1,80,25);
- Frame(x1 - 1, y1 - 1,
- x2 + 1, y2 + 1);
- Center := ((x2 - x1) div 2) + x1;
- GotoXY(Center - (Length(Title) div 2)-1,y1-1);
- Write(#17);
- RvsOn;
- Write(Title);
- RvsOff;
- Write(#16);
- Window(x1,y1,x2,y2);
- Clear_Window;
- End;
- {23**************************************************************************}
- Function Encrypt(Password : Long_String) {* Encrypt a string using the *}
- : Long_String; {* following algorithm: *}
- {* XOR the ordinal value of each *}
- Var {* character in the string with *}
- Temp : Long_String; {* that of the next character in *}
- I : Integer; {* the string. Multiply by 2 the *}
- {* result and convert back to char *}
- Begin {* leave the last character of the *}
- temp := ''; {* string in plain text as the key *}
- For I := 1 to Length(Password) - 1 do{***********************************}
- temp := Temp + Chr((ord(password[i]) xor ord(password[i+1])) shl 2);
- Encrypt := Temp + Password[Length(Password)];
- End;
- {24**************************************************************************}
- Function Decrypt(Temp : Long_String) {* Decrypt a string encrypted by *}
- : Long_String; {* the preceding procedure *}
- {***********************************}
- Var
- Password : Long_String;
- I : Integer;
- Begin
- Password := Replicate(Length(temp),' ');
- Password[Length(temp)] := Temp[Length(temp)];
- For I := Length(Temp) - 1 downto 1 do
- Password[I] := Chr((ord(temp[i]) shr 2) xor ord(password[i+1]));
- Decrypt := Password;
- End;
- {25**************************************************************************}
- Function GetChar(Var Done : Boolean) : Char;{* Get a character from the Kbd *}
- {********************************}
- Var
- Inchar : Char;
- Begin
- Read(Kbd,Inchar);
- Done := (Inchar = ^\);
- GetChar := Inchar;
- End;
- {27**************************************************************************}
- Function Get_Pass(X,Y : Integer) : Long_String;{* This routine obtains a *}
- {* password from the user *}
- Var {* nothing more, nothing less*}
- Inchar : Char; {*****************************}
- Temp : Long_String;
- Begin
- GotoXY(X,Y);
- Write('Password: ');
- Temp := '';
- TextColor(0);
- TextBackGround(0);
- Inchar := Get_Str(Temp,10,X + 10,y,True);
- RvsOff;
- If Temp = Replicate(10,' ') then
- Temp := '';
- Get_Pass := Temp;
- End;
- {32**************************************************************************}
- Procedure SetUp {Set the UART for communications}
- (Portal : Integer;
- Baud : Integer;
- Parity : Parity_Types;
- Stop : Byte;
- Word : Byte);
- Begin
- Port[LCR + Portal] := 128;
- {Set Baud Rate}
- Baud := Trunc(115200.0 / Baud);
- Port[DLL + Portal] := Lo(Baud);
- Port[DLM + Portal] := Hi(Baud);
- {Set Parity}
- Case Parity of
- No_Parity : Port[LCR + Portal] := Port[LCR + Portal] And Not(PEN);
- Even_Parity : Begin
- Port[LCR + Portal] := Port[LCR + Portal] Or PEN;
- Port[LCR + Portal] := Port[LCR + Portal] Or EPS;
- Port[LCR + Portal] := Port[LCR + Portal] And Not(STPTY);
- End;
- Odd_Parity : Begin
- Port[LCR + Portal] := Port[LCR + Portal] Or PEN;
- Port[LCR + Portal] := Port[LCR + Portal] And Not(EPS);
- Port[LCR + Portal] := Port[LCR + Portal] And Not(STPTY);
- End;
- End;
- {Set Stop Bits}
- Port[LCR + Portal] := Port[LCR + Portal] And (Not(STB) + (STB * (Stop - 1)));
- {Set Word Length}
- Port[LCR + Portal] := Port[LCR + Portal] And Not(WLS);
- Word := (Word - 5) and WLS;
- Port[LCR + Portal] := Port[LCR + Portal] or Word;
- Port[LCR + Portal] := Port[LCR + Portal] And 127;
- End; {Set up}
- {36**************************************************************************}
- Procedure DosConOut(Ch : Char); {* Write character to video display *}
- {* using DOS driver *}
- Var {***************************************}
- Registers : Reg;
- Begin
- Registers.AX := $0200;
- Registers.DX := Ord(Ch);
- MsDos(Registers);
- End;
- var
- serial_buffer : long_string;
- {37**************************************************************************}
- Procedure SerialOut(Ch : Char); {* This routine sends a character over *}
- {* the rs232 using a standard BIOS call*}
- Var {* (INT 14) *}
- Registers : Reg; {***************************************}
- Begin
- Registers.AX := $0100 + Ord(Ch); {Set the registers}
- Registers.DX := Com;
- Intr($14,Registers); {Send out the character}
- End;
- {40**************************************************************************}
- Function Data : Boolean; {* This routine returns true if the *}
- {* serial port has valid data *}
- Var {***************************************}
- Registers : Reg;
- portno : integer;
- Begin
- portno := $3fd - ($100 * Com);
- data := (port[portno] and 1) = 1;
- End;
- {38**************************************************************************}
- Function SerialIn : Char; {* This routine reads a character from *}
- {* the serial port if one is available *}
- Var {* If no character is available, the *}
- Registers : Reg; {* returns a null char (^@). *}
- ch : char; {***************************************}
- Begin
- serialin := chr(port[$3f8 - ($100 * com)]);
- End;
- {41**************************************************************************}
- Procedure ColScr; {* Switch to Color Monitor if it is *}
- {* available, otherwise leave as is *}
- Const {***************************************}
- VidReg : Array[0..15] of Integer =
- ($71,$50,$5A,$0A,$1F,$06,$19,$1C,$02,$07,$06,$07,$00,$00,$00,$00);
- Mode = $3B8;
- Color = $3B9;
- RegNum = $3D4;
- RegVal = $3D5;
- ColorVal = $30;
- ModeVal = $2D;
- Var
- I : Byte;
- Begin
- { Port[Mode] := ModeVal;
- Port[Color] := ColorVal;
- For I := 0 to 15 do
- Begin
- Port[RegNum] := I;
- Port[RegVal] := VidReg[I];
- End;
- } Screen := Ptr($B800,0);
- End;
- {42**************************************************************************}
- Procedure MonoScr; {* Switch to MonoChrome Monitor if *}
- {* available, otherwise leave as is *}
- Const {***************************************}
- VidReg : Array[0..15] of Integer =
- ($61,$50,$52,$0F,$19,$06,$19,$19,$02,$0D,$0B,$0C,$00,$00,$00,$00);
- Mode = $3B8;
- Color = $3B9;
- RegNum = $3B4;
- RegVal = $3B5;
- ColorVal = $30;
- ModeVal = $29;
- Var
- I : Byte;
- Begin
- Port[Mode] := ModeVal;
- Port[Color] := ColorVal;
- For I := 0 to 15 do
- Begin
- Port[RegNum] := I;
- Port[RegVal] := VidReg[I];
- End;
- Screen := Ptr($B000,0);
- End;
- {45**************************************************************************}
- Procedure Well;
- Var
- I,J : Integer;
- Begin
- I := 0;
- While Not KeyPressed do
- Begin
- Click;
- Delay(250);
- If I = 100 then Write('Well?');
- Inc(I);
- End;
- End;
- {47**************************************************************************}
- Procedure Siren; {* This is the alarm for intruder alert*}
- {***************************************}
- var i,j : integer;
- begin
- for j := 1 to 20 do
- begin
- for i := 200 to 2300 do
- sound(i);
- nosound;
- delay(100);
- end;
- end;
- {48**************************************************************************}
- type
- typelist = (ustr,lstr,ulstr,rnum,inum,yn);
- function getform( var value;
- vtype : typelist;
- X,Y,
- dp,Len : integer;
- Lstrg : long_string;
- lx,ly : integer
- ) : char;
- var
- realval : real absolute value;
- intval : integer absolute value;
- strval : long_string absolute value;
- boolval : boolean absolute value;
- mval : real;
- tint : integer;
- tstr : long_string;
- tchar : char;
- begin
- gotoxy(lx,ly);
- highvideo;
- write(lstrg);
- case vtype of
- ustr : getform := get_str(strval,len,x,y,true);
- lstr : begin
- getform := get_str(strval,len,x,y,false);
- strval := lower(strval);
- end;
- ulstr : getform := get_str(strval,len,x,y,false);
- rnum : begin
- val(replicate(len - dp - 1,'9'),mval,tint);
- getform := get_num(realval,dp,0,mval,x,y);
- end;
- inum : begin
- getform := get_num(mval,0,-32767,maxint,x,y);
- intval := trunc(mval);
- end;
- yn : begin
- gotoxy(x,y);
- if boolval then
- tstr := 'Y'
- else
- tstr := 'N';
- repeat
- tchar := get_str(tstr,1,x,y,true);
- until tstr[1] in ['Y','N'];
- boolval := tstr = 'Y';
- getform := tchar;
- end;
- end;
- gotoxy(lx,ly);
- lowvideo;
- write(lstrg);
- end;
- {*********************************************************************}
- const monthmask = $000F;
- daymask = $001F;
- minutemask = $003F;
- secondmask = $001F;
- type dtstr = string[8];
- {49*******************************************************************}
- function getdate : dtstr;
- var
- allregs : register;
- month, day,
- year : string[2];
- i : integer;
- tstr : dtstr;
- begin
- allregs.ax := $2A * 256;
- MsDos(allregs);
- str((allregs.dx div 256):2,month);
- str((allregs.dx mod 256):2,day);
- str((allregs.cx - 1900):2,year);
- tstr := month + '/' + day + '/' + year;
- for i := 1 to 8 do
- if tstr[i] = ' ' then
- tstr[i] := '0';
- getdate := tstr;
- end; {getdate}
- {50*******************************************************************}
- function gettime : dtstr;
- var
- allregs : register;
- hour, minute,
- second : string[2];
- i : integer;
- tstr : dtstr;
- begin
- allregs.ax := $2C * 256;
- MsDos(allregs);
- str((allregs.cx div 256):2,hour);
- str((allregs.cx mod 256):2,minute);
- str((allregs.dx div 256):2,second);
- tstr := hour + ':' + minute + ':' + second;
- for i := 1 to 8 do
- if tstr[i] = ' ' then
- tstr[i] := '0';
- gettime := tstr;
- end; {gettime}
- {51*******************************************************************}
- procedure push_window(x1,y1,x2,y2 : integer);
- var
- temp : video_ptr;
- i,j,k : integer;
- begin
- if screen = nil then
- screen := ptr($b000,0);
- new(Temp);
- temp^.x1 := x1;
- temp^.y1 := y1;
- temp^.x2 := x2;
- temp^.y2 := y2;
- getmem(temp^.screen_store,((x2 - x1 + 1) * (y2 - y1 + 1)) * 2);
- Temp^.Next_Screen := Screen_Stack;
- k := 1;
- for i := y1 to y2 do
- for j := x1 to x2 do
- begin
- temp^.screen_store^[k] := screen^[i][j];
- inc(k);
- end;
- Screen_Stack := Temp;
- end;
- {52*******************************}
- function elapsed_time(start_time : real) : real;
- var
- j : integer;
- i,k,
- endtime : real;
- begin
- val(copy(gettime,7,2),i,j);
- endtime := i * 3600.0;
- val(copy(gettime,5,2),i,j);
- endtime := endtime + (i * 60);
- val(copy(gettime,1,2),i,j);
- endtime := endtime + i;
- k := endtime - start_time;
- elapsed_time := k
- end;